Friday, February 25, 2011

Provisional Release Association in Japan to Hold a March on February 25

 (circulation welcome)

February.25. (Fri.) 12:30 gathering at Shinagawa Station Bus Stop for Nyukan / 13:00 Departure
2月25日(金) 12:30 品川駅入管行きバス停前集合 / 13:00出発

Organized by Provisional Release Association in Japan (PRAJ)
Contact: MASUDA 080-3421-4060 / MIYASAKO 090-6547-7628
主催 : 仮放免者の会  連絡先:増田080-3421-4060 宮廻090-6547-7628

On February 25, Friday, Provisional Release Association in Japan (PRAJ) is organizing a protest demonstration in Shinagawa, Tokyo (For the event’s details, see the bottom of this entry).
     The first question: what is “provisional release”?
     In Japan, like anywhere else, there are refugees and immigrants. Almost all refugee applications are denied, however. Also, there are many migrant workers who have built their lives in their communities and workplaces in this country and are unable to obtain valid resident status.
     The Immigration Bureau (Nyukan)’s “principle” is to detain every single foreigner without a valid visa status. Since it is impossible to detain all those foreigners, however, the Immigration “provisionally release” some of them out of exceptional “mercy,” as it were. A warrantor and bond money amounting from thousands and thousands of yet to three million yen are required for provisional release.
     Though they are liberated from severe detention, those on provisional release face a number of restraints and are left without any rights. The government denies their right to work and deprive them of freedom to move (They are required to apply for “temporary travel permit” to the Immigration and get their approval to go outside of their own prefecture). Plus, without resident status, they are excluded from the health insurance and welfare benefits. The police often threateningly stop and question them just for looking “foreign (of Asian or African descent).”
     Furthermore, since those on provisional release are merely given “release” on a “provisional” ground as far as the Immigration is concerned, they have to live with the constant fear of re-detention. They have to visit the Immigration every month or every three months for the extension of provisional release; immigration officers sometimes threaten, “we will detain you next month.”
     On October 31, 2010, we founded the Provisional Release Association in Japan to improve the situation and to restore the rights of all on provisional release as human beings; we decided to go on fighting in solidarity.
     the Provisional Release Association in Japan demands
  1. To request to refrain from repeatedly arresting of Foreigners who lives as ( Karihomen ) Provisional Released Persons by immigration and emigration officers ( authorities ).
  2. To allow the Provisional Released Persons to live independently and allow ( permit ) them for employment during their stay in Japan.
  3. To make necessary Rules for ( Karihomen ) Provisional Released Persons to live in Japan without any kind of harassments and troubles.
  4. To transform ( Karihomen ) Provisional Released Persons with valid Visas to live and stay in Japan.
  5. Immigration, to apologize and redress to mental and physical damage during and after detention.

     We call on you, individuals or organizations, to express support for the five demands above.
     Also, we invite everyone interested in this issue living in Japan, non-Japanese or Japanese, to participate in the demonstration on February 25.

- If you would like to express your support, email .
- Please include your name; it does not have to be your officially registered name; add affiliation and/or title if you would like it to be published.
- If it is OK to publish your name on our website, please let us know. We also accept support from individuals who wish to remain anonymous.
- We publish the names of organizations on our website that express support for us.


Stop “Re-Detention”!

Dear Friends 親愛なる友へ
 We, the refugees and immigrants, have been finally granted a so-called "provisional release" after over a year of detainment in the immigration center which had a devastating effect on our body and soul. Since then, we turn ourselves over to the immigration officials on a stated day every month. However we are in fear of facing further hardships by re-detention, depending on the result of the refugee recognition procedure or administrative lawsuit. If that were the case what was the meaning of our first detainment? Even as we applied for the recognition of refugee status and the administrative lawsuit thereof, we are yet to be freed. We cannot accept such a violation of human rights. That is why we established “Provisional Release Association in Japan” (PRAJ) and encourage everyone to oppose the re-detention policy. We may be foreigners but we are just as human as the people of Japan. Japanese Government’s policy which hinders the basic human rights of foreigners must not be allowed. In order to abolish such a policy which is directly in violation of human rights, we foreigners need to unite and let our voices be heard.

Stop mental torture 精神的拷問をやめろ  Stop killing overstayers オーバーステイ外国人を殺すな  Release detainees from your torture 被収容者を拷問から解放しろ  Stop re-detention 再収容するな  Stop violations of human rights 人権侵害をやめろ

February.25. (Fri.) 12:30 gathering at Shinagawa Station Bus Stop for Nyukan / 13:00 Departure
2月25日(金) 12:30 品川駅入管行きバス停前集合 / 13:00出発

Organized by Provisional Release Association in Japan (PRAJ)
Contact: MASUDA 080-3421-4060 / MIYASAKO 090-6547-7628
主催 : 仮放免者の会  連絡先:増田080-3421-4060 宮廻090-6547-7628

Friday, February 18, 2011




「仮放免者の会 2.25デモのおしらせ/団体・個人賛同のおねがい」




Masaki C. Matsumoto(大学院生,シカゴ大学社会科学学科修士課程)/ 阿部太郎(名古屋難民支援基金) / あべ やすし / 泉野 利恵(大阪人間科学大学学生)/ 宇田純子 / 大井光子 / 大町剛(成蹊大学学生)/ 岡井友穂(Okai Tomoho) / 岡田有生 / 奥田のぞみ / 織田朝日 / 柏崎正憲 / 綛谷智雄(かせたに ともお,福岡医療福祉大学教員)/ 加藤義之 / かまたよしこ /河原よしみ(京都市民)/ 北井大輔(編集者)/北里柴sub郎 / 金優綺(キム・ウギ)/ 金明秀(キム・ミョンス,関西学院大学社会学部教授)/ 木村厚子(岐阜県) / 琴基徹(月刊イオ編集長)/ 金浦蜜鷹(コノウラミツタカ) / 呉山美貴 / 坂本廣幸 / 佐藤知明 / 佐藤守人 /斉藤一清 / 斎藤和則 / 嶋田頼一(無職)/ 首藤久美子 / 十亀トシ子 / 園 良太(SYI) / 高原さつき /館野公一(東京都国立市,シンガー・ソングライター)/ 常野雄次郎(ツネノ・ユウジロウ)/ ながい のぶかず / 長島誉子 / 永野潤 / 中村優子 / 西中誠一郎(ジャーナリスト) / 根来祐(映像作家)/ 信田風馬(シューレ大学学生)/ 韓英淑 / 藤崎剛人(大学院生) / 増田 博光 / 松原 秀臣(愛知県名古屋市)/ 松本照代 /深山沙衣子(フリージャーナリスト) /村山琢英 / 本岡大和(もとおか ひろかず,立命館大学大学院先端総合学術研究科 大学院生) / 山田 明伸 / 横原 由紀夫(東北アジア情報センター運営委員)/ 横山雄一(契約社員) / 吉水 公一(よしみずこういち,高校教員(教育公務員労働者), 「子どもと教科書兵庫県ネット21」事務局次長, 高校野球指導者)/米津篤八(よねづ・とくや, 翻訳家, ソウル大学国史学科修士課程在籍中) / 非公開5名

APFS(Asian People's Friendship Society) / BOND(外国人労働者・難民と共に歩む会)/ RAFIQ(在日難民との共生ネットワーク) / SYI(収容者友人有志一同)/ TRY(外国人労働者・難民と共に歩む会)/ あいち移住労働者と共に未来を考える会(フレンズ) / 編む夢企画 / 大村入管被収容者を支える会 / 牛久入管収容所問題を考える会 / 月刊イオ /  東京入管収容所を考える会 / 名古屋難民支援基金 / 西日本入管センターを考える会(WITH)/ 日中友好雄鷹会 / 反「入管法」運動関西交流会 / ヘイトスピーチに反対する会 / ポレポレ佐倉 / 南埼玉ちきゅうじん会議

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

仮放免者の会 2.25デモのおしらせ/団体・個人賛同のおねがい(転載歓迎)

こうした状況を改善し、仮放免者全体の、人としての権利の回復をめざして、わたしたちは 2010年10月31日に「仮放免者の会」を結成し、連帯して運動をすすめていくことを決意しました。

  1. 入管は「仮放免者」として生活している外国人の繰り返しの収容をやめることを強く要求する
  2. 「仮放免者」が独立して生活するために仕事をすることを許すことを要求する。
  3. 「仮放免者」が、いかなる苦痛も困難もなく日本で生活するために、必要な規則を作ることを要求する。
  4. 「仮放免者」に、在留資格を与えることを要求する。
  5. 収容中・収容後の心身の被害への謝罪と賠償を要求する。

  • 賛同は、[]で受け付けております。
  • 個人として賛同を寄せてくださるかたは、お名前(戸籍名でなくてもかまいません)と、公表をご希望の場合は所属・肩書き等をお書き下さい。
  • 個人として賛同を寄せてくださるかたは、「仮放免者の会」のウェブサイトでお名前を公表させていだたくことの可否をご明記ください。お名前を公表しないかたちでの個人賛同も受け付けております。
  • 団体としての賛同は、ウェブサイトで団体名を紹介させていただきます。



Stop “Re-Detention”!

Dear Friends 親愛なる友へ
 We, the refugees and immigrants, have been finally granted a so-called "provisional release" after over a year of detainment in the immigration center which had a devastating effect on our body and soul. Since then, we turn ourselves over to the immigration officials on a stated day every month. However we are in fear of facing further hardships by re-detention, depending on the result of the refugee recognition procedure or administrative lawsuit. If that were the case what was the meaning of our first detainment? Even as we applied for the recognition of refugee status and the administrative lawsuit thereof, we are yet to be freed. We cannot accept such a violation of human rights. That is why we established “Provisional Release Association in Japan” (PRAJ) and encourage everyone to oppose the re-detention policy. We may be foreigners but we are just as human as the people of Japan. Japanese Government’s policy which hinders the basic human rights of foreigners must not be allowed. In order to abolish such a policy which is directly in violation of human rights, we foreigners need to unite and let our voices be heard.

私たち難民・移民は入管による長期収容によって心身共にボロボロになり、やっとの事で仮放免許可を受けました。その後、毎月指定された日に入管に出頭しています。しかし入管は、難民手続きや裁判の結果を受けて私たちを再収容します。ならば私たちに対する一回目の収容は何だったのでしょうか? 私たちが難民申請や裁判を始めても入管は私たちを解放してくれませんでした。それなのに「結果が出たから」とまたもや再収容されるのです。私たちはこのような人権侵害を許すことができません。私たちは昨年の10月31日に「仮放免者の会(PRAJ)」を結成しました。そして再収容に反対するデモを皆さんに呼びかけます。日本人も外国人も同じ人間です。日本政府による外国人への人権侵害は許されないことです。この人権侵害をなくすためには、まず私たち外国人が団結して声を挙げていくことが必要です。 

Stop mental torture 精神的拷問をやめろ  Stop killing overstayers オーバーステイ外国人を殺すな  Release detainees from your torture 被収容者を拷問から解放しろ  Stop re-detention 再収容するな  Stop violations of human rights 人権侵害をやめろ

February.25. (Fri.) 12:30 gathering at Shinagawa Station Bus Stop for Nyukan / 13:00 Departure
2月25日(金) 12:30 品川駅入管行きバス停前集合 / 13:00出発

Organized by Provisional Release Association in Japan (PRAJ)
Contact: MASUDA 080-3421-4060 / MIYASAKO 090-6547-7628
主催 : 仮放免者の会  連絡先:増田080-3421-4060 宮廻090-6547-7628