PRAJ (Provisional Release Association in Japan): Who We Are
in English


仮放免者の会 ホームページ

Wednesday, August 16, 2017



















  We would like to put forward these pressing issues to the Bureau ofImmigration regarding the standard of living and treatment ofdetainees and overall circumstances concerning their basic humanrights.

1. Medical Treatment
  In regards to recent incidents involving the health issues ofdetainees, we believe that the medical care and treatment proceduresat the detention facilities are in a dire need for change. The deathof a fellow detainee in March, 2017 is an example, too heavy tosuffer, which teaches how much a human life matters. Having to waitalmost a full month to get basic healthcare checkups is just farcical.Relying on medical instructions from officers with no medical historyis dangerous, and if need to be given a classification, is a crime. Itseems only natural for detainees to suffer several mental and physicaldisorders, with no consistent means of stress relief or relaxation,stretched further out by long durations of detention. If such durationcannot be reformed, provide us with better health care and a morecomfortable living environment.

2. Detention Duration
  Although there are a number of different detainees of differentcircumstances, we believe that it is simply inhumane that anybody hasto suffer through 1 or 2 years of detention, without pre-informednotifications regarding any classification on tha timing of release.Unless a clear set of durations are either set up or informed todetainees, it seems as if the Bureau is playing puppets with our livesand acting upon, either biased prejudice or simply individualopinions. Only rogue states with zero respect for human rights abusesuch authority and detain a person with no regards to their humanityand their existence. Such long detention periods, ultimately leads tomental and physical disorders, mostly due to stress, which, honestly,are torturous and no human being should go through. Any form ofdetention ranging from 8~12 months maximum, should be enough toprocess documents for either refugees or other detainees. We allpromise to oblige to the rules and norms of Japan as any normal humanbeing and have no intentions of any sort of distribute or harm peace.

3. Decision of Provisional Release
  The extraordinary amount to time taken to get the results of ourProvisional Release Applications are nowhere near efficient. Having towait 60-90 days in desperation, in addition to months, already spentin detention to get the results is very distressing. Also, as in mostcases, when the applications are eventually rejected without anydetailed reasons and facts provided to the applicants is ineffectiveand seem unreasonable to the applicants. Either approved or denied, webelieve that, such decision making durations should not be takinglonger than 30 days or less. When disapproved, please provide us withthe reasonings of such decision in detail, which will eventually helpus to prepare better documents and facts supporting our case when weapply for our Provisional Release again.

4. Amount of Guaranty Money (¥50,000~¥100,000)
  Most of the detainees are refugees coming from some of the mostunder-developed countries in the world, with little or no personalbelongings or valuables. Also when it comes to financial matters, eventhe detainees with a history of violations who having no properemployment history personal income, may also fall in the same categoryas their fellow refugee detainees. Since we are not allowed to work orbe employed under the conditions of Provisional Release, asking us fora high sum of money in the name of Guaranty Fee, is very difficult forus and only adds to our pre-existing troubles. We would like torequest the Bureau to limit such amounts to a maximum of ¥100,000,which for the most of us is still a high amount, but seems moremanageable.

5. Stop Re-detention
  As long as we follow the terms and regulations of our ProvisionalRelease statements, please don't detain us again without providing anydetailed reasons. We have met several detainees and have also heard ofseveral different cases, where a person was asked to visit a BureauOffice to receive their permit extensions, but were instead detainedwith no statements or if provided, vague and unrealistic statements.It only seems to us that the Bureau is playing with human lives assuch actions are just inhumane.

6. Stop Forceful Deportation
  Forceful deportations are an inhumane act of authority. It mirrorskidnapping, to give an example, which is also against a person's willand callous by nature. Such procedures are considered oppressive inmany developed countries of the world. Japan, a leading nation of theworld, adopting such uncivilized measures is inconceivable.Furthermore, such actions disregards many human rights issues andshould be seriously re-considered.

7. Provide Us with Proper Visa
  The Bureau is spending millions of yen to facilitate detentioncenters all over the nation. The accommodation costs of detainees, theutility bills, the medical and health care, the staffs and officers onpay with few duties to perform - all of these and  many more without adoubt, are being funded by the well-earned tax money of the Japanesepeople. And for that? To detain refugees, along with several personwho have families and relatives living, and willing to support themfinancially, in Japan. Nonetheless, such high cost of facilitatingdetention centers is a waste of valuable tax money. We as well want tobe a part of this system where we can instead be of a positivecontributer to the nation of Japan. Provide us with properdocumentations to work and pay back our freedom by paying taxes to thegovernment, rather than spending money to detain us. We want to be apart of the society, give us an opportunity, a chance to prove ourvirtues and potentials.

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Letter of Petition
  We, the petitioners, understand that the requests mentioned in theabove statement, might be excessive at some point, and vague in thenature of some details. However, we the petitioners have no othermeans to express our sufferings and our discontent in the mattersraised in this statement. These issues are the very core of thefoundation that Bureau functions upon, which we believe are uneven andillegitimate, when it comes to basic human rights issues and hence,segregates from the status of Japan in the world as a global leaderand an exemplary member of the United Nations.
  We, the petitioners/detainees, have discussed such matters withvolunteer groups, refugee support organizations and Amnesty supportgroups share the same opinion in the fact that, there areirregularities in the various conducts and regulations that the Bureaubases its methods upon. We, the petitioners/detainees, and the beforementioned support groups, all agree that there is a need foramendments, which acknowledge the issues mentioned in this statementor any other issues that we might have overlooked.
  We are sending this letter of petition along with the signatures ofthe detainees, to the head of the East-Japan Immigration Center or anydepartment that oversee such related issues.
  We, the petitioners would like to sincerely request the head of theEast-Japan Immigration Center or any department that oversee suchissues, to acknowledge this petition and inform us of suchacknowledgement in the form of a written document. We would solemnlylike to request that this written document certifies that our concernshave been heard and the Bureau is in the process of making amendments.Due to the state of our conditions and the grave importance of theissues raised, we would like to recieve a Letter of Acknowledgement,in a period of at least 2 weeks, from the date of our submission ofthe Letter of Petition. Furthermore, we would also like to requestthat the Bureau put forward amendments, which reflect upon the issueswe have raised in this petition letter, in no further that a monthafter we receive the Letter of Acknowledgement.
  The underlined requests in the above paragraph are our solemnrequests. We, the petitioners, along with the help of the supportgroups and human rights organizations, pledge to this statement. Thisis our first action in requesting the Bureau for amendments. When ourfirst form of this request is not acknowledged by the Bureau, we willbe left with no choice but to demonstrate our pleadings through massparticipations, peacefully and actively, which shall induce theattention of the volunteer groups, and human rights organizations, themass media and not to mention, the Bureau.  Please understand theimportance of our proposed petition and help us move towards apositive conclusion.









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